Flamingo for PhDs

Flamingo™ is SciPhD’s web application that:

  • Guides you in finding jobs, importing those job descriptions, analyzing the job descriptions to identify the critical technical, business, and social skills, relates those skills to your own experiences and accomplishments, and generates a targeted resume for that job.  

  • Helps you select a career
  • Helps you develop a career development plan
  • Helps you find a job now

All University of Pittsburgh trainees are eligible for a free, permanent license to SciPhD’s web application Flamingo™!

How to Sign Up for FlamingoTM
  1. The first step is to join the National Postdoctoral Association (NPA). All trainees at the University of Pittsburgh, from graduate students through postdocs, are eligible for a free membership:
    1. Go to this NPA page and sign up as an "Affiliate Individual Member", selecting the option that matches your career stage.
  2. Register to obtain your free license for FlamingoTM at this site.
    1. Complete your profile, which includes inputting your education and past work experience.
    2. This important step helps the platform create targeted resumes that match job ads, find careers that match your experience, and to create a career development plan that will guide you towards your ideal future.
FlamingoTM Resources

Resources include guides for using the platform.
Quick-Start Guide for using this platform. 
Job search strategies page lists a number of job search engines.

How to Use FlamingoTM

"I Need Help Selecting A Career"

Use this resource to explore the different kinds of career options that are available to you, and when you find one that clicks, you can use out Job Analytics Engine to learn the specific technical, business and social skills required.  Start here.

"Help Me Strengthen My Skills With A Plan"

Once you have settled on a career path, find out what skills hiring managers look for, and determine which of those skills need to be further developed.

  1. Find at least two job ads in your chosen career category using sites like Indeed.com
  2. Analyze the job ads in this platform to identify critical skills required
  3. Score your expertise for each of those critical skills
  4. Develop a plan to address weaknesses.

Step-by-step instructions can be found here.

"I Need A Job Now"

Use this platform once you've identified a job ad that you are very interested in! Input the job ad and work through the steps here to analyze the specific skills that are required, identify and articulate how they map to your past experience, create a summary of your qualifications, and produce a targeted resume!  Follow these steps to success!